We Help Distributors Grow

We help distributors tap into the rapidly growing online B2B business by offering a robust and user-friendly e-commerce platform to kickstart their business.

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B2B e-Commerce Solutions for Distributors: Amplify your Distribution Network & Experience Increased Sales

We offer an ideal e-commerce platform that fits your business model and caters to your goals. Whether you want to reach new markets, boost sales or expand your customer base, our e-commerce solution is here to assist you in everything business. Orderbit does not stop at sales, it helps you efficiently manage your business operations and increase productivity and proficiency with digital solutions.

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Leverage the Benefits of our B2B e-Commerce Platform for Distributors

Increased Sales

B2B businesses are making a shift to digital platforms and marketplaces. It's time to take the leap and transform your conventional distributor business into a high-revenue generating venture backed by digital solutions.

Revamp your sales strategy, conquer new markets and elevate the customer experience with our B2B e-commerce platform for distributors. Track and monitor business metrics to efficiently analyse your sales pattern, customer behaviour, revenue, logistics, market trend and more on a data-driven e-commerce platform.

Enhance Customer Experience

It’s the era of personalised services and the only way to impress your customers and crack sales is to offer them their preferred choices. The personalised buying experience has the power to convert your potential buyers into loyal customers.

Our B2B e-commerce platform for distributors offers rich personalised features that will help you attract online customers with customised product catalogues, pricing, and offers.

Automate Your Business

Stop managing your business manually. Embrace digital automation and boost your business productivity and efficiency.

Our B2B e-commerce platform helps you automate your business operations, sales, logistics, product pricing, orders and product inventory to minimise your efforts, costs and maximise efficiency.

Leverage Mobile

The dominance of mobile traffic, accounting for 70% of B2B search queries, presents a significant advantage for online warehouses and eCommerce platforms catering to distributors.

Orderbit offers an advanced eCommerce solution with fully responsive themes, ensuring seamless accessibility across mobiles, desktops, and tablets. Moreover, the platform facilitates convenient ordering through mobile applications, granting your customers the freedom to make purchases through their preferred method.

Improve Your CRM

In the competitive landscape of eCommerce B2B distribution, providing exceptional customer support is crucial for success. Orderbit understands this importance, which is why it comes equipped with a comprehensive CRM solution. This integrated CRM empowers your customer-facing teams to efficiently log client interactions, handle support cases, and excel in accounts management.

Regardless of whether your business is centred around a warehouse, wholesale distribution, or a reseller network, effective communication with stakeholders is vital. With our built-in CRM, you gain a unified 360-degree view of your marketing, sales, and customer support data. This holistic perspective allows you to cultivate enduring relationships with your customers, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

The Catalyst for Growth: Unleash the Potential of B2B E-Commerce Platform for Distributors

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B2B e-Commerce Solutions Designed Especially for Distributors

B2B Portal

With our cloud-native B2B Portal, distributors can create a seamless multichannel user experience. This platform seamlessly embeds your e-commerce solution into your existing business processes, ensuring a flawless customer journey and enhanced operational efficiency.

B2B2C Webshop

The B2B2C Webshop solution is designed to propel your distribution business towards retail success. By stepping into the B2B2C model, you can explore new geographical markets and product niches. This integration opens doors to marketplaces and enables the implementation of innovative business models, expanding your business horizons.

B2B2C Marketplace

For enterprises seeking a tailored marketplace solution, the B2B2C online Marketplace is the answer. This robust platform provides the flexibility to build a custom marketplace with a unique business model, offering an exceptional user experience to both buyers and sellers. Craft your perfect marketplace that aligns precisely with your business vision.

A tablet device showing an ecommerce store login screen

Empowering B2B Success with Versatile Solutions

Orderbit offers a range of cutting-edge B2B solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of distributors and businesses looking to win over their customers and boost sales.

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